The 8th edition of the conference „Our Security Cannot Be Taken For Granted“ was held on June 22, 2021 at the Ball Games Hall of the Prague Castle. We are honoured that the invitation to speak this year was accepted by the experts, representatives of the Government of the Czech Republic and the chairmen of political parties represented in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, as well as important foreign guests. The key note speaker was Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Minister of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany, who joined us through the videoconference.
The introduction of the conference was a look back at the NATO summit a week earlier, but the main topic was, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic and related challenges. More than a year after its inception, it was possible to reflect on the strategic shock it brought and how it affected the security environment. One of the phenomena that accompanied the pandemic was significant disinformation campaigns, which were also addressed in one of the conference panels. The program has traditionally been closed by a debate by representatives of parliamentary parties, who have been able to assessthe ending parliamentary term and provide their perspective on the challenges ahead.
Conference programm, incl. recordings
(Post-)COVID World?
Analysis of the security consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic
The 8th edition of the conference is held under the auspices of Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Andrej Babiš, 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Czech Republic Jan Hamáček, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jakub Kulhánek and Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Lubomír Metnar.